Es posible que los animales lleguen con alguna enfermedad o parásitos debido a las malas condiciones en las que son transportadas, sobretodo si han sido capturados de su hábitat.
Estas tortugas deberán vivir la mayor parte del año en un gran acuaterrario con calefacción.
En libertad, esta especie está perdiendo muchos hábitats por culpa de los humanos.
This group contains a high proportion of globally threatened species, and the majority of the priority reptile and amphibian taxa in Priority Landscape CA1. These species are highly threatened by trade because of their high value as ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine.
Another threat is exploitation for domestic consumption (Duckworth et al. 1999). One species of particular concern is the critically endangered Chinese three-striped box turtle, which is the most sought-after species, and which is provisionally recorded from the priority landscape.
Specific conservation action is required to tackle trade in all turtle species. In addition, captive breeding may be required in the case of three species, Chinese three-striped box turtle, Indochinese box turtle and keeled box turtle (Pyxidea mouhotii), which may soon be hunted out throughout their entire ranges (Duckworth et al. 1999). To date, however, none of these three species has been confirmed to occur within Priority Landscape CA1.
Short-term target 1 (medium priority)
Within ten years, at least one viable population of each priority turtle taxon in Priority Landscape CA1 will be identified and under effective conservation management.
Medium-term target 1 (medium priority)
In 50 years time, Priority Landscape CA1 will support a viable population of each priority turtle taxon native to the priority landscape.
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