sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010


Examen de las propuestas de enmienda a los apéndices I y II, Prop. 12.28, (Pyxidea mouhoti)

Inclusion of Keeled Box Turtle Pyxidea mouhotii in Appendix II. Proponent: China and
United States of America. Ref. CoP 12 Prop. 28

New Chinese turtles: endangered or invalid? A reassessment of two species using mitochondrial DNA, allozyme electrophoresis and known-locality specimens (James Ford Parham, W. Brian Simison, Kenneth H. Kozak, Chris R. Feldman y Haitao Shi)

A Biological Assessment of the Central Truong Son Landscape (Andrew Tordoff, Robert Timmins, Robert Smith, Mai Ky Vinh) Central Truong Son Initiative Report No.1
Hanoi, 2003

Molecular phylogeny of the critically endangered Indochinese box turtle (Cuora galbinifrons) Bryan L. Stuart and James Ford Parham

Medicine and Surgery of Tortoises and Turtles - S. Mcarthur, R. Wilkinson, J. Meyer (2004)

TURTLE AND TORTOISE NEWSLETTER The Newsletter of Chelonian conservationists and Biologists, Issue Number 4-August  2001 Chelonian                                                          
Research Foundation (ISSN 1526-3096) Incorporating: Newsletter of the IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group Box Turtle Research and Conservation Newsletter
Turtle Conservation Vietnam, Newsletter of the Turtle Conservation and Ecology Project (TCEP) vol.1  

Phylogenetic Relationships of the Asian Box Turtles of the Genus Cuora sensu lato (Reptilia: Bataguridae) Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequences (Masanao Honda, Yuichirou Yasukawa, Ren Hirayama and Hidetoshi Ota)

FELSNER, H ( 2002): Welt – Erstzuchtbericht der Annam – Dornschildkröte Pyxidea mouhoti obsti FRITZ, ANDREAS & LEHR, 1998. – Emys, Sitzenberg-Reitling, 9(1): 4-21
AKAB, P & T. SATORHELYI (2000): Haltung und Zucht der indischen Dornschildkröte Pyxidea
mouhoti mouhoti (GRAY, 1862) in menschlischer Obhut. – Emys, Sitzenberg-Reitling, 7(1): 4-17

- Articulo de Aqualog (Aleman) http://www.aqualog.de/news/web15/15-3-4d.pdf
- Articulo de Aqualog (Ingles)   http://www.aqualog.de/news/web15/15-3-4e.pdf

Testudo Magazine nº6 (Marzo 2008) - La nascite straordinarie: Cuora mouhotii mouhotii

EMYS 7(1) FEBRUAR 2000,  JAKAB, P. & T. SÁTORHELYI (2000): Haltung und Zucht der Indischen Dornschildkröte Pyxidea mouhotii mouhotii (Gray, 1862) in menschlicher Obhut.- Emys 7(1): 4-17.

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